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Главная » 2013 » Декабрь » 24 » Скачать Balsamiq Mockups 2.2.4
Скачать Balsamiq Mockups 2.2.4

Скачать Balsamiq Mockups 2.2.4

Balsamiq Mockups 2.2.4
Balsamiq Mockups - простое макетирование пользовательского интерфейса.Если вам когда-нибудь приходилось объяснять заказчикам или коллегам как, по-вашему, должен выглядеть интерфейс будущей программы или сайта, вы наверняка поймете, зачем нужна программа Balsamiq Mockups. Этот компактный и удобный пакет на базе технологии Adobe Air для систем Windows, Mac и Linux позволяет быстро создать макет рабочего окна приложения или страницы интернет сайта на базе набора типовых элементов управления.

Приложения представляет из себя знакомый design-view c возможностью drag-and-drop элементов на рабочую область и редактированием многочисленных свойств. В библиотеке находятся 60+ готовых элементов на все случаи жизни. Впоследствии, набросок можно экпортировать, например, в виде .png файла или в виде XML документа для будущего импортирования.

Mockups is designed to help your team or clients iterate wireframes as early in the process as possible, when it's cheapest to do so.
Designed for Collaboration
Mockups is designed to help you and your team or clients iterate on wireframes as early in the process as possible, when it's cheapest to do so. Here are some of the features that support this goal:
extreme speed: you can create and tweak designs in real time during a design discussion meeting, whether you're all in the same room or sharing your screen in an online meeting.
a look no-one is afraid to criticize: wireframes created with Mockups are intentionally rough and low-fidelity. The idea is to encourage as much feedback as possible...no-one will think you'll be offended by their input, they'll know immediately that you just 'threw it together' quickly.
multiple ways to share and get feedback on your designs:
Mockups exports to common PNG images which can be emailed as attachments, easily embedded in a website or saved in a shared folder.
Mockups also exports to the clipboard, so that you can simply paste the snapshots to your Word or Powerpoint requirement documents and feature specifications.
If you are using a plugin version of Mockups, you will be able to embed your Mockups in your wiki pages or bug reports, with access control, versioning and all the great Web Office features you've come to love.
You can achieve near-real-time collaboration by coupling Mockups for Desktop with a "file sharing in the cloud" service like DropBox (learn more).
If your colleagues haven't bought Mockups, they'll still be able to import your XML code in the free online demo version, tweak it, export it back and email it to you.
We are currently developing an online version of Mockups (subscription-based), which will have commenting, versioning, access controls and all that good stuff. Let us know if you'd like to participate in the private beta program.

Название: Balsamiq Mockups
Версия: 2.2.4
Дата: 2013
Платформа: Windows All
Интерфейс: Английский
Лекарство: Присутствует
Разработчик: balsamiq.com
Размер: 20 Mb

Скачать Balsamiq Mockups 2.2.4
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Скачать с uploaded.net

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